Making a bequest as part of an estate plan

A bequest may be made by will, trust, commercial annuity, IRA, 401[k] plan or life insurance to establish a personal or family Legacy at Lynn University. Such gifts are often created to permanently endow a scholarship, department, program or service.


To make a bequest to Lynn University:  

  • The donor includes a written provision in their will or trust directing their personal representative or executor to distribute a percentage or specific dollar amount of their
    estate to Lynn University.
  • The donor notifies the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs of their intent so they may be recognized during their lifetime.

Lynn University
Office of Development and Alumni Affairs
3601 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431


Sample language to help you in your planning:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Lynn University, a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization located in Boca Raton, Florida, ______ percent of my residual estate (or a specific bequest of $_______________, or other personal or real property appropriately described) to be used in accordance with the terms of any fund agreement I have signed with the university, otherwise to be used as directed by the board of trustees of Lynn University.”


 download letter of intent


Planned Giving Calculator

Stay in touch with Lynn:


Lynn University
University Advancement

3601 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton, FL 33431

Phone: 561-237-7875 | Toll-free: 877-326-5966 | Fax: 561-237-7819