Read more Thank You letters

Lennart Stahr '15

I wanted to thank you as the proud recipient of the Burton D. Morgan Endowed Aviation Scholar! This scholarship will allow me to continue studying aviation at Lynn University and achieve my ultimate goal of being a professional pilot.

As you might remember from my last letter, I am originally from Namibia in Southern Africa, but moved to Uruguay in South America when I was 12. One of the greatest events that marked the last academic year was that together with my close family visited Namibia during the Summer break. We actually went on a tour to the very northern part of the country that is known for its incredible wildlife and untouched nature. Together with another family we visited the area, called the Okavango. This is a river delta, which is home to all the “Big 5” African animals (lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard). All in all it was a great time and I noticed how much I really missed my country of birth. I made myself the promise to visit again sometime!

As to my passion of flying, I am currently finishing my instrument rating and will most likely be an instrument rated pilot by the time you read this. The instrument rating allows a pilot to fly in clouds and bad weather condition without any reference outside of the cockpit, but solely by reference to the instruments. The knowledge I gained with this rating is almost equal to the knowledge base of an airline captain, and I do feel that I am closer to my goal than ever. I am also planning to build an airstrip on our farm in Uruguay when I go home this summer, and hopefully fulfill my lifelong dream of flying and landing on our own farm!

This semester I have started working for an agricultural real estate company in South America named Southern Connections. It focuses on offering and managing agricultural real estate and farmland in the countries of Uruguay and Paraguay. I created an online marketing strategy for them and after presenting it, they approved the plan and put me in charge of worldwide marketing. I have since created a new web site for them together with a local web design company here in Boca Raton, if you are interested take a look here:

I want to thank you for the opportunity this scholarship gives me in my aviation career. Your support through the last academic year and your continuous support for the upcoming year make it possible for me to continue doing what I love.

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