Talent matches passion
By Angie Caple '14, '15
Published Tuesday, Feb. 17,2015
Not only is Gareth Johnson '09 an alumnus of Lynn University and Sphinx, an internationally renowned competition, but is a successful business man. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Gareth learned quickly learned how to push himself to the limit. At the age of ten, Gareth saved up enough money to buy himself a starter violin; and after that - things took on a speed of their own. He graduated high school at the age of sixteen and began his journey down to Lynn University, with the lead of Jon Robertson, the Dean of the Conservatory of Music.
While at Lynn University, Gareth expanded his talents as a musician with the help of highly acclaimed professors on campus. Playing the violin was always something that came effortless to Gareth, and he was able to match that talent with a pure joy of his instrument. Gareth has been able to perform with a number of symphonies all over the world. From Detroit, to London, to Johannesburg; he has captivated hundreds of audiences through an instrument that he has always loved. Following graduation, Gareth moved to Georgia to spearhead programs involving younger musicians. He was able to work full time as well as producing two impressive recitals per month.
Because of the time it takes to create a composition, Gareth chose another route within his career which brought his path back to South Florida. He decided to execute a lifelong dream of his, to create his own platform to perform with other musicians. The Parlor Series, located in downtown Lake Worth, is a unique cultivation of different music forms, as opposed to the traditional orchestrated performance. In this comfortable setting, you are able to converse with the musicians while receiving the same quality of music one would in a major theatre. Due to the success of The Parlor Series, Gareth is hoping to potentially expand to another location in South Florida. Gareth Johnson is a precious commodity to the Conservatory of Music, and is clearly impacting the field in the best way possible.