A Musical Life
In 1991, Frederic Bednarz was studying violin at a Canadian high school in Montreal when his violin teacher told him about a new music school that was being started in Boca Raton Florida – 1,612 miles away. The application process included an invitational master class weekend so Frederic submitted his application and flew down for an audition. The judges liked him so much that he was invited to be part of the first class of the Harid Conservatory which later became the Lynn Conservatory of Music.
At the age of 16, Frederic moved to Boca Raton. He learned English and adjusted to a new environment that was not as culturally diverse as his home. As Frederic reminisces, he found the community to be “generous, caring and willing to support what a young musician was trying to do.” He remembers performing for a full house.
Frederic started playing the violin at the age of 4. Looking back, being a musician was the only thing he remembers doing and “perhaps the only thing he ever wanted to do”.
His musical inspirations come from many sources, but what has always spoken to Frederic is the sound or voice of an artist. Whether it is classical, jazz, pop music, painting, movie making, one has to find their own voice and sound in order to be themselves.
He continued his music education with a graduate degree from the Eastman School of Music. He has performed in concert at many venues in North America, Europe and Asia. Since 2007, he has been playing in the Molinari String Quartet, a group that specializes in music of the 20th and 21st Centuries. In addition, Frederic formed a violin/piano duo with his wife Natsuki Hiratsuka.
When asked what he does outside of music, Frederic answered “music occupies most of my life, but if I had to choose something else it might be to open a small bistro. My wife and I love cooking and anything that has to do with food and wine.” He is motivated and inspired by freedom, originality, uniqueness, compassion and candor.
Information on Frederic’s concerts and recordings can be found at www.fredericbednarz.com